Consultants Network

Consultants of M & A Strategie GmbH for Pre M & A and Post Merger Integration

Dr. Hartmut Schneider
Lawyer, Ulm
Managing Partner
Many years of experience in leading functions in industry sectors such as pharmaceutical, medical technology and telecommunications/IT; CEO of a listed stock corporation and board member of foreign subsidiaries. Board Member of Transeo AISBL, Belgium, the European Association for SME Transfer.
Core competencies: strategy consulting, transaction support, coaching family business succession.
Additional competencies: negotiation support national / international, coordination of the whole transaction process.
Dr. Hartmut Schneider
Frauenstr. 11
D-89073 Ulm
Phone: +49 731 15 97 93 38
Fax: +49 731 15 97 93 39
E-Mail: office@ma-strategie.de

Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo
Business consultant, Ulm
Many years of experience as a business consultant, seminar leader and project manager, in particular in the sectors of retail, manufacturing, media and construction.
Core competencies: strategy development, business model innovation, digital transformation.
Additional competencies: design thinking, process management, scenario analysis, technology management, sales structure, university lecturer.
E-Mail: schallmo@ma-strategie.de
Thomas Bauer
B. Sc. (Econ.) - Dipl. Volksw.
Consulting Partner, Neu-Ulm
Many years of experience in controlling activities in senior positions, interim manager in various projects, senior consultant, project manager in particular in the sectors of mechanical and plant engineering, automotive, IT service providers, healthcare
Core competencies: controlling, group reporting cost accounting, corporate planning, finance.
Additional competencies: IT roll-out, hospital controlling, pre- and post-merger integration, lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm.
E-Mail: bauer@ma-strategie.de
Reinhard Häusler
MBA - Dipl.-Kfm., Elchingen
Interim Manager & Consultant
More than 20 years’ experience as CEO of medium-sized enterprises and consolidated subsidiaries in Germany and abroad.
Core competencies: temporary management of companies, corporate divisions and projects, increase earnings through cost and price optimization, commercial and cultural integration of enterprises.
Additional competencies: construction of new sites in Germany and abroad, internationalization, outsourcing, restructuring, process optimization (administration).
E-Mail: haeusler@ma-strategie.de
Klaus Wende
Graduate Engineer, MBE - Dipl. Ing., Dipl. Wirtschaftsing.
Interim Manager & Consultant, Elchingen/Ulm
More than 30 years of management experience in the fields of automotive, trade / direct sales, capital goods, renewable energies and services companies.
Core competencies: development and restructuring of sales organizations, coaching for entrepreneurs and managers, executive recruiting, market development India through local partner in Mumbai
Additional competencies: Restructuring, redevelopment
E-Mail: wende@ma-strategie.de
Rainer Schwöbel
Management Consultant, Interim-Manager
Managing Director, CFO, Ulm
More than 20 years’ experience as a CFO, Managing Director and Head of Departments in medium-sized companies and group subsidiaries in Germany and abroad. Industry focus in the automotive industry along the value chain, within OEMs, Suppliers and Engineering Service Providers.
Core competencies: Strategy Development and Strategic Planning, Corporate Performance Management, Digitization and IT Project Management.
Additional competencies: Accompaniment of M & A-Processes, Corporate Financing, Business Planning, Reporting and Business Intelligence, Change-Management, Restructuring, and Insolvency in self-administration, Lecturer at the FH Neu-Ulm and the DHBW Karlsruhe.
E-Mail: schwoebel@ma-strategie.de

Jochen Mayer
Graduate Business Psychologist, Ulm/Langenargen
Business consultant, Co-Initiator of Digital Excellence Group; Associated Partner of Management Angels.
More than 20 years of cross-industry consulting experience in B2B and B2C sales in the SME sector.
Core competencies: Evaluation of sales organizations and sales units.
Additional competencies: Digitalization of marketing / sales / service transitions, team buying / team selling, positioning, marketing of innovations, transformation of product sales to solution sales, CRM, sales controlling.
E-Mail: mayer@ma-strategie.de

Stephan Werhahn
Ph.D., M. Sc., Munich/Ulm
Lawyer, Managing Shareholder
Many years of experience at the leadership level (CEO/CFO) in German Blue Chip stock listed and privately held companies.
Core competencies: He combines concepts of European market economics and ethical principles for the financial markets.
Additional competencies: For many years specialized on owner strategic advisory of corporates, family companies and shareholders.
Additional network competencies: Founder & Director of Steinbeis Institut „Europe of Market Economies“(IEM), Board member of Federal and Baden-Württemberg and Chairman Ulm Mittelstands- und Wirtschaftsvereinigung (MIT), Board Member of German Institute of Directors e.V. Berlin, Vice President Europe of UNIAPAC, Member of Executive Board of Association of Catholic entrepreneurs (BKU), attorney-at laws, excellent political network is closely related to the “Mittelstand” and business associations, founded by his grandfather Konrad Adenauer.
E-Mail: werhahn@ma-strategie.de

Dong Seung Kim
M. Sc., Eschborn
Entrepreneur, Consultant Korean Relations
Many years of experience as an expert in international and intercultural affairs in Europe mainly for Korean companies, particularly in the areas of marketing communications, IT, Games, Automotive, Services. Experienced as an investor in start-ups and real estate. Currently also acting as CEO of a consulting firm and a Web Technology company.
Core competencies: Game Industry, access to South Korean companies.
Additional competencies: professional proficiency in Korean and English.
E-Mail: dskim@ma-strategie.de

Michel Schütz
AV media designer, Munich
Director International Film Projects
Many years of experience in senior positions at ARRI, Pictorion Das werk, various manufacturing orders in Film & TV (including post-production, visual effects, graphic 2D / 3D animation, HDTV productions, etc.), managing partner of own consulting company.
Core competencies: Film Industry, HDTV and post production.
Additional competencies: Relations to various players in film and game.
E-Mail: schuetz@ma-strategie.de

Petra Bergmann
External Business Coach and Business Consultant, industrial business administrator, Blaustein
BEMA Coaching for Management & Leadership
15 years management experience in positions of responsibility in the producing technical and commercial sector. Many years of experience as a human resources manager, management consultant, business coach in the sectors Building chemicals & pharmaceuticals, machinery, hospitals, crafts, trade and business consultancy.
Core competencies: Coaching for entrepreneurs and managers, leadership skills, HR strategy, HR management, employee integration in M & A processes.
Additional competencies: Strategic personnel development, personnel management, strengthening the employer brand, consultancy in recruitment selection process, people management, process optimization in human resources, individual goal-oriented leadership and strategy workshops.

Dr. Jimin He
Dr.-Ing. (D), Neu-Ulm
Consultant and Coordinator for Chinese-German business cooperation, Neu-Ulm
More then 20 years of experiences in project management for cooperation between Chinese and German companies, particularly in the automobile industry, machinery engineering and chemical industry. Very good understanding of the German- / Chinese culture, mentalities and legal frameworks.
Core competencies: consulting, coordination and support for cooperation between Chinese and German companies. Support for Chinese enterprises settling down and preparing business formation in Germany.
Additional competencies: provision of high-level German-Chinese technical translations.
Additional Consultants of M & A Strategie GmbH
for Pre M & A and Post Merger Integration
Consultant Process Optimization
Business Consultant
Many years of experience in management functions of leading companies in automotive and supplier industry.
Core Competencies: Lean Management, Operational Excellence, Continuous Improvement Process.
Additional competencies: Supply Chain Management, Value Stream Design, process optimization, reduction of throughput time, inventory and cost, increase of Overall Equipment Effectiveness, turnover and profit.
Working Capital Management
Receivables Management
Bachelor of Business Economics, Ulm
Interim Manager and Coach
Many years of experience in sectors such as automotive suppliers, special machinery and tool construction, agricultural engineering, education, commerce, service industry, chemical industry, online portals, social sponsoring, system components, energy industry.
Core competencies: working capital management, receivables management, releasing liquidity potential in business processes.
Additional competencies: restructuring, controlling, cost and performance accounting, development FSSC, potential consulting, common sense, mentoring and coaching of the management.
IT Security
IT Project Management
Head of IT, Head of development
Head of computer center, Ulm
Many years of management experience as managing director for computer center and software development, quality management in accordance with ISO 9001, among others in the energy supply, trade, health insurance and public administration sector.
Core competencies: IT security, IT project management, software development, mobile app development.
Additional competencies: Green IT, mobile software development (apps), computer center analysis & evaluation, operational IT management (interim).
Business Valuation, Strategic Planning and Controlling
Graduate economist, Neu-Ulm
Managing Director, Business Consultant
Experienced project manager and strategist. Executive functions in a global information and telecommunication company (business development, strategy, product- and innovation management). Since 2008 support for medium-sized companies and start-ups.
Core Competencies: Business valuation, strategy work, planning and controlling
Additional competencies: Preparation of business plans (Juror Bavarian Business Plan Competitions - BayStartUp), financing, Digital Transformation, Innovation Management, Restructuring.
Certified Financial Planner, CFP
Entrepeneur Consultant, Family Officer
Long-standing experience in in the field of Financial Planning.
Core Competencies: Portfolio Optimization, Business Succession, Financial Planning.
Additional competencies: Risk Management, Company Pension Scheme, Private Due Dilligence..
Consultant Business Management
Consultant, Ulm
Many years of experience in managerial positions in medium-sized companies. Restructering and expansion.
Core Competencies: Business management and strategy, reorientation, negotiations.
Additional competencies: Coaching / Mentoring with implementation, creating innovative solutions.